Eazy Pod Air



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The Eazy pod Air is ideal on a quarantine system or as a pre-filter, polisher or on a skimmer line, a great all rounder! The Eazy Pod Air is also perfect for extra biological filtration.

Why not order your Eazy Pod Air, for the user who wants the ultimate performance.

The Eazy Pod Air consists of a primary settlement vortex where in which K1 Micro is retained in a stainless steel basket before entering the biological stage, which consists of the Kaldnes static bed, this is a totally different way of filtering to the Nexus Eazy as with the famous Nexus Eazy the K1 media is continually moving, with the Eazy Pod the K1 media is static.

The Airtech 70 Air Pump, from day to day running will be putting vital oxygen in to the pond, when you need to clean the Eazy Pod Air simply turn the valve and redirect the Air to the Eazy Pod, this will agitate the static K1 and therefore cleaning can be done quickly and easily without getting your hands wet, when you have done simply turn the air valve on the Eazy pod and send the Air back to the pond, it really is that Easy!

There is little doubt that this New Eazy Pod has turned the small filter market up side down, with the addition of the Air Pump kit, the Eazy Pod Air just got better!